Certain weather and geomagnetic conditions could cause serious health problems or even acute events with long-lasting consequences
Older population and people with certain medical conditions could be the most vulnerable
Alleviation of weather and geomagnetic health risks could be as important as all very costly efforts spent on diagnostics, medications and healthy life-style maintenance.
Ability to predict health impact of upcoming weather and geomagnetic changes would allow minimizing such risks with minimal efforts: timely adjustment of prescribed medications, changing travel plans, activity levels adjustment etc.
However, many fundamental challenges preclude discovery of universal predictive model for such impacts
On the other hand, significant number of multi-view quantitative insights into this problem exist and continuously expanding while not easily accessible for regular usage in practice
Therefore, multi-expert application integrating existing knowledge for prediction of health impact of weather and geomagnetic events would be a valuable tool for wellness maintenance and health risks minimization
App provides daily predictive alerts (up to 5-10 days ahead) for different types of health impact by upcoming weather and geomagnetic conditions that allows minimizing health risks with minimal preventive efforts such as adjusting medication dosage, changing travel plans, adjusting daily activity or exercise levels and other simple changes.
Our predictive multi-expert engine is based on optimal combination of large number of existing and continuously expanding quantitative insights published by trusted multi-disciplinary journals.
Our engine is also applied to long history of weather and geomagnetic data to analyze frequency and intensity of serious health impacts in a particular geo location which allows comparison of different locations for such health risks.
Besides expected changes based on weather and geomagnetic indices forecasts from trusted sources, we also built specialized models for predicting probability of less frequent weather and geomagnetic events associated with very high health impact
Besides generic models with some personalization (e.g. by age), optional user feedback will be used to create truly personalized models via fine-tuning of generic models and meta-learning using feedbacks of all existing users of our app.
Key Features
Using forecasts of weather and geomagnetic changes (up to 5-10 day) for a chosen geo location, generate relative change of physiological conditions (blood pressure, heart rate, heart rate variability, etc) or more general metrics (change in emergency room applications, change in deaths rate from particular diseases, etc).
Since our engine includes dozens of models, we will report only expected changes above chosen threshold.
For each of the displayed forecasts, user can see short info about research study the model is based on (e.g. population size) that may influence his decision for particular actions.
If travel or relocation is expected, user can see forecasted health impacts not only due to weather changes in time but also due to change in location.
Health impacts based on historical weather and geomagnetic data can be analyzed across time and geo locations.
Optional user feedback is used to create truly personalized models via fine-tuning of generic models and meta-learning using feedbacks of all existing users of our app.
Typical Usages
Our health impact forecasts, alerts and historical analysis can be used for minimizing health risks with minimal efforts in various ways including but not limited to the following:
Timely adjustment of prescribed medications or adding additional ones (only approved by doctor)
Re-schedule travel plans if large health impact is expected due to difference in weather conditions in current and targeted geo locations
Exploring alternative travel plans and choosing one with minimal health impact
Adjusting exercise intensity and general activity levels on days with expected adverse health impact
Chose optimal relocation based on historical patterns of serious health impacts in the considered location and your current health condition
Reschedule events with potential stress such as important business meetings
Optimizing team selection for the next non-home game in professional sport
Adjusting diet and vitamin schedule before days with predicted adverse health impact
Attributing (explaining) known changes in your personal psycho-physiological state to adverse health impacts from recent history